All about Windows XP SP2

Internet Explorer FAQ and how-to article

How long will Internet Explorer be supported by Microsoft?

Internet Explorer and Nimda

Q810846 Where to Get Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1.6 for Mac OS8.x and OS9.x

The Internet Explorer Error Reporting Tool

The Internet Explorer Repair Tool

List of Issues Fixed in Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2

IE6 Blank subjectline fix

What do I need to do before installing or removing IE or any other programme?

What version of IE am I running? Where can I download the latest version? Where can I get an old version?

Internet Explorer 'About' box is empty

IE for Alpha / IE for Unix (sorry - no longer supported by Microsoft)

Error messages when trying to install IE and when rebooting when finished

Trouble installing vector graphics rendering

Blank desktop after installing or updating Internet Explorer

Command line switches when installing IE

Where to get the JAVA VM

Java doesn't work

Remove ISP branding, restore the spinning IE globe, and custom toolbar background

IE's 'download only' feature

How do I uninstall IE 4?

How do I uninstall IE 5.01?

List of issues fixed in IE 5.01 SP1

How do I uninstall IE 5.5?

How do I uninstall IE6?

Cannot uninstall IE

My dialup settings keep changing from 'never dial' to 'always dial' or 'always dial' to 'never dial'

"Use automatic configuation script" option (LAN settings) will not turn off

"Connect to the Internet using a modem" option is being disabled and the "Connect to the Internet using a local area network" option is being turned on

The dial up window keeps appearing without prompting

"Dial Up Settings" button is greyed out

IE starts and stays offline

Error message: No connection to the internet is currently available

No dial tone error

Autodisconnect doesn't work or the settings change

Computer keeps disconnecting

Computer won't connect

When you quit Internet Explorer, you may be prompted to close the connection to Internet Explorer even though you have cleared the Disconnect when connection may no longer be needed check box.

Startup switches for Internet Explorer

Offline messages when using DSL/Cable

Save password doesn't work

Forgotten IE/OE/MSN passwords

Error: "No domain server was available to validate your password" when using IE

I said "no" to remembering a password. How do I make IE ask again?

Computer freezes when trying to delete passwords via tools, internet options, content, autocomplete

Autocomplete of web addresses doesn't work

Toolbars missing in IE

IE opens blank/empty/seethrough windows or have to refresh to see contents

"Open in new window" doesn't work.

"Launch browser windows in a separate process" option missing in IE5.01 or later (registry hack) - setting this option to 'yes' may stop Windows Explorer from trying to access the internet

Multiple windows open unexpectedly

Open a new window maximised (right click "open in new window" or windows from hyperlinks)

I want Internet Explorer's new window to open 'empty', without any content from other pages

Internet Explorer Windows open 'off screen' or tiny or minimised to the taskbar.  The window will not move if off-screen, and if resized by dragging or using the window buttons, does not keep the size set.

Internet connection 'freezes' - data going to and from modem seems to pause

Content Advisor error: "Please check Content Advisor settings for missing information"

I've forgotten my Content Advisor password.

Can't display page (Server or DNS error) or "Internet Explorer could not open the search page" / unable to view web pages/ old versions of web pages displayed

Problems accessing secure sites/ cannot install 128 bit encryption

"Page has expired" error when using back button

"The page contains secure and non-secure items" warning

You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure

Back up and restore Internet Explorer Security Zone entries

Unable to print/printing problems

Blank pages when printing

View and print pages *without* images (toggle on/off utility)

Script error involving preview.dlg when printing

Slow right click/right click doesn't work

Can't send page or link by email

Hyperlinks don't work

View source doesn't work/add source code editors

Changing source code editor

Message: A runtime error has occurred. Do you wish to debug?

Script errors

Why is my file option missing on my menu toolbar?

What is the memory address for video (a good indication of problems with video drivers when IE or OE crashes)

I can't change my home page - it keeps resetting

My home page is stuck on

My home page is stuck on

My home page is stuck on

My home page, seach engine and signature have been locked by

Internet Explorer closes when a download is commenced (in IE 5.5)

Problems downloading

Executing Files by Hyperlink and the File Download Dialog Box.....This article discusses two alternative safe methods for automatically executing files by hyperlink

Does IE support downloading resuming?

Downloading a programme triggers Quicktime

Trying to download opens a blank page with an icon in the corner

Can't download programme files (EXE) / the plugin did not initialize



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Copyright © 1999 - 2004, Sandra Hardmeier, No content may be reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
Reproduction, in any form, of information on this site is prohibited without express written permission.
Microsoft is in no way affiliated with, nor offers endorsement of, this site


Last updated Sunday, August 20, 2006