My computer freezes when I scroll up and down a page

Screen and video corruption

Internet Explorer freezes

IE shuts down without warning

I get an error saying my browser is not set to accept cookies, but it is!

I can only run 2 downloads at a time

I want to have more than 4 downloads going at a time, but IE won't let me.

Why don't my animated gifs animate?

Autosearch has stopped working.

I can't see JPG's or GIFS any more - red x - images missing / fuzzy images/distorted images

The font size in IE keeps changing.

Checking DLL versions.

About (and how to) for Windows Update

Trouble using Windows Update

Administrator restrictions on Windows Update

JPG's will only save as BMP's

Internet Explorer makes my computer reboot at random.

Why does my addressbar take so long to drop down?

There is a long delay when tabbing from field to field in forms or delay when entering/editing text

Cannot type in Internet Explorer or Outlook Express

My proxy settings disappear every time I log on.

How do I stop the unique icons on links (favicons) from disappearing?

How do I add more search engines to IE?

Search engine hijacking/search doesn't work

Search doesn't work - Windows 2000

Unable to access Tools, Internet Options

Description of the Internet Explorer CACHE

The HOSTS file

IE does not check for newer versions of web pages

How to prevent web page caching (for site administrators and authors)

Can't view page offline / IE does not cache pages

"Save target as" and "print target" doesn't work

"save as" and/or "save" options not available

Q319032 An Error Message Occurs If You Click "Save Target As" for a Link

Problems with the favorites folder

Q183436 How to Create a Text File of Web Addresses in Favorites Folder

Problems with the history folder

Hyperlinks don't change color

Java applets don't work

IE opens pictures in a new window - how to change to same window

-2147012894 Internet Client Error: Request Timeout

How do I increase the timeout value in IE?

Various controls display wrongly (scroll bar arrows; minimise, maximise or close buttons; option buttons; check boxes etc).

ActiveX errors in IE

Adobe documents are blank and other problems

Windows Protection Errors


Access violation in VGX.DLL

Invalid page fault in "user.exe"

Explorer caused an exception 6d007fh in module Webcheck.dll
Explorer caused an exception 6d007fh in module Webcheck.dll at {memory address}
IEXPLORE caused a General Protection Fault in module Webcheck.dll

Explorer caused an exception 6d007fH in module Webcheck.dll

Explorer/Internet Explorer caused an invalid page fault in MFC42.DLL

IEXPLORE or EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in UNKNOWN

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in MSHTML.DLL

EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in MSHTML.DLL

Iexplore/Explorer caused an invalid page fault in browseui.dll

Internet Explorer crashes with an <unknown> error when trying to install Macromedia Flash

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in WUV3IS.DLL

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in KERNEL32.DLL

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in KERNAL32.DLL (note the spelling)

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in SHLWAPI.DLL

EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in KERNEL32.DLL

EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in SHELL32.DLL

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in SHELL32.DLL

MSHTML caused in invalid page fault in KERNEL32.DLL

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in SCRBLOCK.DLL

EXPLORER caused an exception c06d007eH in module SENS.DLL


Iexplore caused an invalid page fault in URLMON.DLL

Iexplorer caused an invalid page fault in GDI.EXE

Iexplore caused an invalid page fault in msvcrt.dll

Err Msg: Iexplore Caused Invalid Page Fault in Module Swflash... [Q302461]

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in module CRS32.DLL

RUNDLL32 caused an invalid page fault in module <unknown>

<Program> caused an invalid page fault in module wininet.dll

"Windows could not update the file %1 from %2" when restarting IE

IEXPLORE or MSIMN Causing an Invalid Page Fault in Module Rpcrt4.dll

Iexplore/Explorer caused an invalid page fault in SHDOCVW.DLL

Wuloader caused an Invalid Page Fault in module Unknown

(1) (2) (3)


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Reproduction, in any form, of information on this site is prohibited without express written permission.
Microsoft is in no way affiliated with, nor offers endorsement of, this site

Last updated Saturday, May 14, 2005