This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.
This site began as a private resource; an online collection of notes and fixes that I use constantly as part of my newsgroup work. As software and operating systems evolve, so do the answer to problems, so I have decided to use hyperlinks to my FAQs for newsgroup work, thereby keeping advice as up-to-date as possible.
now have a Web site especially for Internet Explorer 7 -
check it out :o)
My sites specialise in supporting users of Windows
PCs. But fear not, Macintosh users have not been
left out in the cold. I've tracked down some
alternative sources which I hope will be of assistance
to you.
I have had very little to do with the Mac version of OE
or IE but there are Mac devoted newsgroups available at
Click the appropriate link to subscribe:
Internet Explorer for Mac
Outlook Express for Mac
Or... here are some of the websites are available:
Note: Macemail has been removed - it is no longer a Mac
support site